Data Science with {pins}

Data Sharing in Distributed and Polyglot Settings

First Things First…

It’s Data-Sharing Day!

I have some data to share with you.

# install.packages("pins")
web_board <- board_url("")
web_board |> pin_versions("snake_top_five")
web_board |> pin_meta("snake_top_five")
web_board |> pin_read(name = "snake_top_five")

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# python -m pip install pins
import pins
base_url = ""
pin_paths = {
  "snake_detections": "snake_detections/20240730T195415Z-6c718/",
  "snake_top_five": "snake_top_five/20240730T195447Z-2039f/",
board = pins.board_url(base_url, pin_paths)
# Investigate individual data sets

Python icon by Icons8

Data Science in 2024

The Power of Networks

Our human experience is defined by our connections…

  • to ourselves,
  • to each other,
  • to nature,
  • to places.

Our connections ground us, teach us, and enable us.

The Power of Networks

A single computer is powerful.

A network of computers is unlimited.1

Data on a single computer is useful.

Data shared throughout a network can change everything.2

A Tough Choice?

A Tough Choice?

“R or Python” is a consistent search query:

A Tough Choice?

Apparently a ‘high stakes’ decision in Singapore:

Why Not Both?

  • All coding languages have strengths and weaknesses
  • Polyglot teams can:
    • blend the strengths of different coding languages,
    • chunk workflows into stages which connect to others.
  • Connections create opportunities:
    • Web scrape with Playwright => Visualise with ggplot2.
    • Model with tidymodels => Dashboard with Streamlit.

Sharing Data with {pins}

One API to Connect Them All

  • {pins} is a package created by Posit.
  • There are versions for Python and R that have a similar API.
  • The goal of {pins} is to facilitate the sharing of data, models, or any file.

In this presentation, I will demonstrate a workflow to:

  • create a pin board,
  • write files to the board,
  • add metadata about the files/file versions.

Follow Along

You can run this workflow locally, with the same data that I have used.

# install.packages("httr")
url <- ""
response <- GET(url)
snake_data <- content(response, "parsed")

R Project icon by Icons8

Creating Boards

In my website project I create a directory named ‘pins’ then:


board <- board_folder(path = "pins", versioned = TRUE)

board_folder() creates a board inside a folder. You can use this to share files by using a folder on a shared network drive or inside a DropBox.1

Writing Data

board |>
    name = "snake_detections",
    type = "json",
    title = "Snake Species Detections Over Time",
    description = "Datetimes of 20 snake species detected during the survey.",
    versioned = TRUE,
    tags = c("snake", "detections")

Writing Updated Data

If we add a new field to the data, we might break code that uses the previous version of snake_detections in our pin board.

This is where the versioned argument shines.
Let us add the observer_id field to our data frame:

snake_data_new <-
  snake_data |>
    observer_id =, nrow(snake_data), replace = TRUE)

Writing Updated Data

Now we write the new data frame as a new version of the snake_detections pin:

board |>
    name = "snake_detections",
    type = "json",
    versioned = TRUE,
    title = "Snake Species Detections Over Time",
    description = "Datetimes of 20 snake species detected during the survey. New: Added observer_id field.",
    tags = c("snake", "detections")

Writing Updated Data

Now we write the new data frame as a new version of the snake_detections pin:

board |>
    name = "snake_detections",
    type = "json",
    versioned = TRUE,
    title = "Snake Species Detections Over Time",
    description = "Datetimes of 20 snake species detected during the survey. New: Added observer_id field.",
    tags = c("snake", "detections")

Same Data, Different Pin

What if consumers want just the top five most-frequently detected species of the snake_detections pin? For example, if the dataset is very large, or you want to share a training dataset for a model.

  • Creating a new version of snake_detections with fewer species will cause confusion/break some user’s code.
  • Solution: Pin the subset as a new object.

The Top 5 Detected Species

Let us subset the full dataset:

snakes_top_5 <-
  snake_data |>
  count(common_name, sort = TRUE) |>
  head(5) |>
  semi_join(x = snake_data, y = _, by = "common_name")


We pass the modified snake_data object to the y argument of semi_join using the _ placeholder for R’s base pipe. (The near-equivalent of . with magrittr’s %>%)

If we do not, the semi_join step does nothing.

The Top 5 Detected Species

Now we can write snakes_top_5 to our board as a new pin:

board |>
    name = "snake_top_five",
    type = "json",
    title = "The Top Five Most-Frequently Detected Snake Species",
    description = "Five snake species made up 65.5% of total detections (380 of 580) during the survey.",
    tags = c("top5", "snake", "detection")

The Top 5 Detected Species

Now we can write snakes_top_5 to our board as a new pin:

board |>
    name = "snake_top_five",
    type = "json",
    title = "The Top Five Most-Frequently Detected Snake Species",
    description = "Five snake species made up 65.5% of total detections (380 of 580) during the survey.",
    tags = c("top5", "snake", "detection")

View the Board State

We have used pin_write() three times, to pin:

  1. The first version of snake_detections, with all the data.
  2. A new version of snake_detections that includes an observer_id.
  3. A subset of the snake_detections data, which we named snake_top_five.

View the Board State

To view the state of the board, we can use the following code:

# [1] "snake_detections" "snake_top_five"
pin_versions(board, name = "snake_detections")
# # A tibble: 2 × 3
#   version                created             hash 
#   <chr>                  <dttm>              <chr>
# 1 20240730T195356Z-8c385 2024-07-30 21:53:56 8c385
# 2 20240730T195415Z-6c718 2024-07-30 21:54:15 6c718

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import pins
base_url = ""
pin_paths = {
  "snake_detections": "snake_detections/20240730T195415Z-6c718/",
  "snake_top_five": "snake_top_five/20240730T195447Z-2039f/",
board = pins.board_url(base_url, pin_paths)
# ['snake_detections', 'snake_top_five']

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Pin Management

Next we can add a manifest file to our board.

The manifest is a yaml file that helps users to navigate through our board.

From what I can tell, the navigation of the folder does not depend on the manifest file, so this part of the workflow will depend on personal preference.

Pin Management

A board manifest file records all the pins, along with their versions, stored on a board. This can be useful for a board built using, for example, board_folder() or board_s3(), then served as a website, such that others can consume using board_url(). The manifest file is not versioned like a pin is, and this function will overwrite any existing _pins.yaml file on your board. It is your responsibility as the user to keep the manifest up to date (emphasis added).1

Pin Management

In R, we can generate a manifest for our board using:


The function outputs a _pins.yaml file to the root of our board folder. The manifest file for our board looks like this:

- snake_detections/20240730T195356Z-8c385/
- snake_detections/20240730T195415Z-6c718/
- snake_top_five/20240730T195447Z-2039f/

Pin Management


There is no Python equivalent of write_board_manifest() at present.

If desired, the file can be created manually to match the structure of _pins.yaml shown previously.


The workflow I have demonstrated here is the exact process I used to share the snake-detections.csv data via my website in the form of two, versioned, {pins} objects.

Get the Pin from my board_url()

Here is the same code we used at the start of the presentation:

# python -m pip install pins
import pins
base_url = ""
pin_paths = {
  "snake_detections": "snake_detections/20240730T195415Z-6c718/",
  "snake_top_five": "snake_top_five/20240730T195447Z-2039f/",
board = pins.board_url(base_url, pin_paths)
# Investigate individual data sets

Python icon by Icons8

# install.packages("pins")
web_board <- board_url("")
web_board |> pin_versions("snake_top_five")
web_board |> pin_meta("snake_top_five")
web_board |> pin_read(name = "snake_top_five")

R Project icon by Icons8

Next Steps

Use Other Board Types

There are many other board_* functions to use.1

Here are some of functions to create pin boards using cloud services/folders:

  • board_azure
  • board_gcs
  • board_gdrive
  • board_ms365
  • board_s3

Use Other Data Types

In this demonstration, I have stored csv data in json format. There are many other formats to choose.

Files can be stored as one of:

  • csv
  • json
  • parquet
  • arrow
  • rds or qs (R binary formats)
  • joblib (Python module for parallel computation)

Use Custom Data Types

Custom data formats (not specified previously) can be pinned to boards.1

To write custom file types to a board, use pin_upload.

To get a custom file from a board, use pin_download2.

Using {pins} for these files allows you to integrate them into your data science workflows.

Bonus: Deploying a Board with Quarto

To serve my pin board on my Quarto1 website, I have modified the header of my _quarto.yml file to look like this:

  type: website
  - pins
  - data-raw/snake-detections.csv
  output-dir: public

The directories/files listed under the resources keyword are rendered into my website when using quarto render.